Anxiety vs. Peace

Anxiety vs. Peace. Which of these wins the battle in your life most of the time? I know for me lately it’s been a real struggle. It is fall – school is back in session, vacations are over and work has picked up, people are returning to church – more singers, musicians, etc. – so the anxiety level seems to be up and rising. I couple of days this week I woke too early, walked around the house once or twice and then couldn’t go back to sleep because my brain was cranking so fast I didn’t know how to turn it off. I just sat there with a not-so-interesting song chorus doing loops in my head and feeling like I had to tire myself out before I could lie down again.

Almost everyone I know drops little hints that they have too much on their plates, or so they say. We all probably think we do anyway. Just listen the next time you are gathered around the water cooler with co-workers: too many commitments and not enough down time to relax and enjoy life; too many meetings, appointments, long days and restless nights. So it’s not a stretch to look out across the community landscape to see a lot of us suffering from a load of anxiety – real or imagined, but easy to see either way.

How do we find the peace that overcomes anxiety, the peace that comforts and calms us? I think the answer is we have to ask for it. We have to pray for it. It’s within our reach…but we may not see it.

In Luke 24, Jesus appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus but they didn’t recognize him, even after walking with him for the better part of the day. They were filled with anxiety after the crucifixion so they were not able to see clearly who Jesus was. Just imagine the pain and confusion after witnessing him dying on the cross! Later that evening, while they were eating with him, he took bread and broke it – and their eyes were opened once again! He appeared later, saying, “Peace be with you” and this gave them the strength and encouragement to return to their work with great joy!

Today, more than ever, we need peace in our lives. Things have a way of getting too busy for too many of us. Let’s open our eyes again, ask for peace, and focus on the important things that need to be done. When a quiet moment comes our way, accept it as the gift it is and cherish it. Hold on to it! The disciples wanted Jesus to stay so they could continue to experience the peace he gave them. They wanted to hold on to him forever – he was their peace! And, he’s still ours right now. We have to make ourselves slow down, see him, and return to our work with great joy. C’mon, Anxiety – take your best shot! I’ve got peace in my corner.

Walking in his footsteps

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